Mecca Ultimate Golf Giveaway Winner Announced

By Greg Johnson –
Bryan Fowler of Monroe won a barbecue grill at the local Moose Club once.
“But never something like this,” he said about being the Gaylord Golf Mecca’s Ultimate Golf Giveaway winner.
Retired from DTE Energy and working now at age 62 as a fitness instructor at his local YMCA, Fowler took up golf less than a year ago along with his then 15-year-old grandson Connor.

“We went down to the Toledo Golf Show last winter just to look around and find out what golf was all about,” he said. “It was there that we signed up for the Ultimate Golf Giveaway.”
It was also at the Toledo Golf Show where they learned about a local golf school, too.
“We both ended up going to Dan Sutton’s School of Golf in Toledo and learned to play,” he said. “Then the rest of the summer I played five, six days a week and I take my grandson with me on the weekends.”

Fowler even joined Monroe Country Club.
“I guess I’ve become quite the golfer,” he said. “Connor and I are golfers now. The golf school really helped, and I guess we are hooked.”
This summer they will get to display their game in the Gaylord Golf Mecca where they are sure to get hooked on travel golf.
This year’s Ultimate Golf Giveaway includes six rounds of golf for four people, as well as four nights lodging and two dinners.

The golf rounds will be played at Black Lake Golf Club, Treetops Resort, Gaylord Golf Club, Otsego Resort, The Pines at Michaywe and Lakes of the North. The lodging will be two nights at the Hampton Inn and two nights at the Fairfield Inn. The dinners will be at popular Gaylord destinations, Alpine Tavern and Big Buck Brewery.
“I really had no idea how big golf was in that area, but we’ve always loved it up there,” he said. “We really knew very little about golf before going to the Toledo Golf Show and then to golf school. We played at several places over the summer, but this will be our first real golf trip.”
Other family members who play golf will join the duo on the trip to Gaylord.
“We remembered signing up for things at the golf show, but it was hard to believe we won something,” he said. “At first, I thought it might be a scam, you know, those emails that you get. I checked it out though, and then the information and the prize arrived and now we’re excited that we won. We are really looking forward to it.”