Junior Golf Programs

Gaylord Area Junior Golf GAJUGA
The mission of the Gaylord Area Junior Golf Association, (GAJUGA) is to provide junior golfers in the Gaylord and surrounding areas a good foundation in the game of golf including the swing, rules, professional instruction and etiquette. GAJUGA is open to juniors ages 7-17.
Membership for the 2025 season is $75 per person. This includes a tee gift, instructional clinics, on-course golf events including greens fees and a “Family Fun Night.”
Registration can be done online, by utilizing the registration form below or by attending the May 1st registration event (and 1st clinic) at the Michaywe Pines Course. If any participants would like to apply for financial aid, they can do so upon checking out of their shopping cart online or by reaching out to Kevin at kmckinley@thefirstteenorthernmichigan.org. Forms can also be dropped off at the Gaylord Tourism Bureau located at 319 W. Main St. in Gaylord with cash or a check made payable to First Tee Northern Michigan. Registration information will be shared with the First Tee of Northern Michigan.
You can reach GAJUGA at 989-505-4110 (Michaywe’s Pro Shop).

Youth On Course
The Youth on Course Foundation provides affordable golf to kids ages 6-18. Golf teaches important social, mental, and physical skills and each round is filled with learning potential.
Youth on Course membership provides kids with access to affordable golf. Youth on Course members play golf at hundreds of participating courses for $5 or less.
Participating Gaylord Mecca Courses include: Black Lake Golf Club, Michaywe Pines Golf Course, Treetops Resort, Gaylord Golf Club and Indian River Golf Club
PGA Junior Golf League
A PGA of America Growth of the Game Initiative that has taken the country by storm is PGA Junior League. The program includes PGA coaching as well as a 6-match season. In addition, the kids who are a part of PGA Junior League will receive free golf on the Tradition and free range balls on any midweek day this season (based on availability). Each junior golfer will receive a numbered team shirt, a bag tag and PGA instruction. The format is perfect for players of any skill level and gender from age 6 – 16. Following the season, an all-star team will be selected to compete, representing Gaylord at the state level with a chance to qualify for regionals and ultimately nationals.
Junior Golf Instruction Opportunities
Judy Mason, Head Golf Professional – Michaywe The Pines
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Nick Lewis, Director of Instruction – Treetops Resort
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JT Aude, PGA Golf Professional – Gaylord Golf Club
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Russell D. Glasby, PGA Professional/Varsity HS Golf Coach – Glasby Golf Schools
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Junior Employment Opportunities
Michaywe Pines
Please contact Judy Mason at 989.839.8911
Gaylord Golf Club
Please contact JT Aude at 989.546.3376 or Email

Looking for more than just a lesson? Children can also take part in a golf camp experience.