Michigan Golf Live’s GOLF SHOW ON THE ROAD Features Mecca

By Greg Johnson
The cooperative marketing group of great courses in the Gaylord Golf Mecca will miss seeing your smiling faces at the golf shows that have been cancelled due to the pandemic this spring, but you don’t have to miss out on the information and show specials usually involved.
Bill Hobson of Michigan Golf Live, perhaps Michigan’s biggest voice and face of golf (he is really tall), is presenting the Golf Show on the Road with Michigan Golf Live, which features each of the outstanding Mecca members.
“I know golfers are already thinking about warm weather and green grass. They look forward to the West Michigan and Novi Golf Shows and since both shows were canceled this year, I wanted to do something special that would still provide the great show specials for those golfers wanting to make summer plans. This virtual series allows us to talk about the state’s great golf destinations, make use of the beautiful scenes we’ve captured over the years, and celebrate the greatness of golf in this state,” Bill said in describing his creation.
Michigan Golf Live created the video shows on each of the 9 properties of the Gaylord Golf Mecca group, which represents 17 total golf courses. In case you are wondering, that includes the wonderful courses at Indian River Golf Club, Michaywe’ The Pines, Otsego Resort, Lakes of the North, Black Lake Golf Club, Garland Resort, Treetops Resort, The Natural and Gaylord Golf Club. It’s a collection of much more than 17 courses in quantity. It’s quality, with award-winning courses designed by golf legends like Tom Fazio and Robert Trent Jones, and with various affordable price points all in one breathtaking golf Mecca area in the heart of scenic and expansive Northern Michigan.

“We may not be able to all get together at golf shows in the Midwest this year, so this is our way to bring the golf courses and specials to the same enthusiastic audience that can’t wait to play again,” Bill said. “We’ve enjoyed a wonderful partnership with the Mecca courses over the years and are so excited to see the reactions of the golf public to the amazing special offers they’re presenting in the series.”
The shows include a Q & A session, beautiful scenery and a showcase of the many Mecca amenities, and of course, the golf show specials at each property. Those seeking the specials (we did mention those wonderful golf show specials, didn’t we?) are being asked to contact the courses of the Mecca directly to book the special prices by March 31.
Long, tall Bill uses a drone camera for some of the footage of the Mecca courses (he is not that tall) and asks all the right questions of the people in the know at each of the Mecca properties.
It’s great information, pandemic socially distanced and a lot easier than walking through a huge golf show. Just click, watch, and book your special and trip by contacting the destination you can’t wait to visit.
We can’t wait to see you live in the Mecca this summer.
And you might even meet Bill in person. He has been known to hang out with us often. He’s the tall guy.
It’s easy to see the Michigan Golf Live Golf Show on the Road stops in the Mecca and learn about the courses and their Show Specials. Just click here, then click on the tiles on the golf courses of your interest. Or click on all of them. It’s a virtual golf show gang.