Otsego Resort Adds New Halfway Oasis to The Tribute Golf Journey

By Greg Johnson –
The Tribute, Otsego Resort’s highly regarded and remarkable course, takes you on a scenic journey through 18 holes spread across the Sturgeon River Valley.
It’s beautifully breathtaking and that’s just the views. The championship golf course is impressive as well, and in 2024 a new Halfway House, located just a little past halfway behind the No. 12 tee, will open.

“It was big need,” Cam Laug, the resort’s Pro Shop manager, says. “The Tribute is this super course, and it is beautiful out there, but having somewhere to grab a sandwich or hot dog and drink was needed. It’s something golfers have asked about. Now we have it, and it’s a really nice building with bathrooms, running water, a full lunch menu, beer, soft drinks, all the stuff golfers like to have during a round.”
Most years, Otsego Resort opens in the final week of April or the first week of May. This year, The Classic welcomed golfers on a few nice weather days last week and will stay open weather permitting. The hope is to be open on The Tribute in the last week of this month.

In other golf news at the resort, bunker work is ongoing.
“We’re removing rocks from the sand and improving the bunkers,” Laug said. “It is going great. We’re always trying to improve things out there.”

Otsego Resort’s two courses are part of 16 courses that make up the Gaylord Golf Mecca. The resort offers some of the best stay-and-play options that include your pick of any of these spectacular courses. Check them out through gaylordgolfmecca.com or directly at otsegoresort.com.